Vermont-NEA News

State’s Largest Union Applauds House Speaker’s Decision to Pause Pension Proposal

State’s Largest Union Applauds House Speaker’s Decision to Pause Pension Proposal

Union pledges to work with all stakeholders to ensure that any plan won’t force teachers to work longer, pay more, and get less while protecting Vermont’s wealthiest from higher taxes

MONTPELIER – House Speaker Jill Krowinski’s announcement today abandoning immediate action on a pension plan that would have hurt teachers and state employees is a welcomed decision that now gives all stakeholders a chance to develop a long-term approach to Vermont’s public retirement plans, according to Vermont-NEA. The following statement can be attributed to Don Tinney, a high school English teacher who serves as president of Vermont-NEA.

“We appreciate the Speaker’s decision to take a long, methodical look at our public pensions. Throughout the pandemic – and before – educators have kept their promise to Vermont’s students. We look forward to working with all stakeholders to ensure that the state keeps its promise of a secure retirement to teachers and all public employees.

“I also want to thank the thousands of teachers and state employees who have written, called, testified, and protested against a plan that would have them work longer, pay more, and get less in retirement while protecting Vermont’s wealthiest from higher taxes.

“As we work together to ensure that the promise of a pension is kept, we look forward to working with the Speaker and others to make sure that our public pensions are secure and stable.”   

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